Footnote [1]:
Graduate courses were given in evening, mainly for engineers who worked in firms in day time in the greater New York City area, then the mecca of chemical engineering firms.

In one evening, I had to call my mother in Japan, as regretting to miss courses. When I got through to her with a fading voice due to the reflection of short waves on ionosphere, I said to her "Good Evening!" She replied to me "Good Morning." Although I knew the globe was round by head, I realized it by heart, and I found that some time slot of day was available for extending excellent American teachings to Japan for those unfortunate youngsters who could not come aboard to study in the U.S.

This finding, which had been lingering in back of my head ever since, further promoted my desire to extend American teachings to overseas when I later saw a lone student studying with a TV monitor (probably with a VCR player) in a large auditorium in the U.S. Navy's Post Graduate School in Moterey, California in early 1970s. This later became my motivation to create a Global University System with global electronic distance education -- more later.