Footnote [35]:
When I attended the 22nd International Conference of the International Simulation and Gaming Association (ISAGA) at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto, Japan in July 1991, they demonstrated a normative gaming simulation which was similar to the World Game of Buckminster Fuller (*). A world map of foot ball field size was spread. Students assigned to each country were standing on the country and exchanged their diplomatic messages verbally. A professor of the university later said that, even its initial conditions were same, the results of gaming on Iraq and Iran boarder incident at different time were often completely opposite.

I then mentioned him of my conversation with Bob Noel and our global gaming with the use of ARPANET and GEISCO. They later established a global affair study center at the university and introduced the use of e-mail -- almost 20 years later than our global gaming.

(*) Late Buckminster Fuller was the Genius in Residence of the University City Science Center in Philadelphia (which is now the home base of our GLOSAS/USA) in 1960s.

I was very happy when I learned that the World Game Institute recently started using Internet and web for their World Game with Bucky's Dymaxion Air-Ocean World Map (Wallace, David J., "World Game Achieves Inventor's Vision of Global Play," The New York Times, October 3, 1997, <>) -- though it is not yet with distributed computer simulation mode as proposed by our Globally Collaborative Environmental Peace Gaming. This is because I visited Medard Gable, executive director of the institute, in the mid-1970s and proposed him the use of computer simulation and e-mail approach, as later did to him by a couple of other electronic colleagues.