Footnote [39]:
Gaming requires its players. When they are dealing global issues from their own locations, they need to have some convenient telecommunication media, e.g., e-mail. This was why I worked hard on the extension of U.S. packet-switching networks. John McLeod once said that "Tak Utsumi is the one who brought telecommunications into computer simulation field."

This was because I advocated the use of data telecommunication in simulation field as conducting a panel discussion session on the "Gaming-Simulation with Computer Communication Network" for distributed computer simulation system at the 1973 SCSC in Montreal, Canada, and also presenting a paper of "Joint USA/Japan Project on GLObal Systems Analysis and Simulation (GLOSAS) of Energy, Resources and Environmental (ERE) Systems" at the 1974 SCSC in Houston, TX.

However, I was surprised to learn of a critic against our GLOSAS project by a scientist of the Club of Rome in the U.K. saying "What good would be the data telecommunication for simulation?" This was another example how difficult to make "mind change" even among those scientists who were supposed to foresee the future of the world.