2. The WEB/SATELLITE GROUP, a multi-disciplinary
research team will complete a series of interactive tests on the NASA-ACTS
satellite. The tests will focus on delivering multimedia content to demonstration
sites at rural schools located in the Appalachian and other regions listed
below. Then, using commercially available DDBS (NASA-ACTS, DirecTV, USSB,
PrimeStar, and later, INMARSAT-B for overseas operations), the newly developed
protocols will be applied for interfacing the signals of satellite with
those of Internet operating in a computer-mediated terrestrial environment.
Web/Satellite Project (Click here for large diagram)
3. The COLLABORATOR GROUP will give attention to the instructional programs to be delivered within an asynchronous, computer-mediated, distributed rural school environment. CAADE members within this group include staff members at the A*DEC (formerly Agricultural Satellite Corporation (AG*SAT)), the Science Discovery Center at the College of Staten Island, the Southeast Ohio Mathematics and Science Network (SEONet), the Appalachian Distance Learning Project (ADLP) at Ohio University, the University of North Texas, etc.
This group will seek to facilitate experiential learning including discovery, mastery and just-in-time linkages to human and data resources. Models for collaborative learning and for meeting the needs of target audiences with special learning needs, both physical or psychological, are to be demonstrated. Training of professional staff to make effective use of computer-mediated science materials is also a goal of this group.
4. The ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP will provide for the coordination and evaluation of all tasks. This group will arrange for demonstration sites, assure that the requisite technologies and software are in place and that all activities are carried out in a timely, coordinated and synchronous way. Design and implementation of a process of evaluation is the responsibility of this group.
1. Ohio/Appalachian Region
Working hand-in-hand with the Computer Communication Group, the Web/Satellite Group will partner with the Southeastern Ohio Regional Freenet (SEORF), a community online service affiliated with the National Public Telecomputing Network (NPTN), the nation's first community computing network. SEORF is interlinked to Appalachian regional schools, where it has worked to recruit and train teachers and administrators to use telecomputing in their classrooms, to help them take advantage of dial-up offerings on the global Internet, and to sponsor a variety of online learning activities linking schools and community.
2. Texas/Southern Region
The University of North Texas will collaborate with Ohio University, College of Staten Island (CUNY), Texas A&M, the Texas Center for Educational Technology, the University of Massachusetts, and other appropriate entities to develop and/or modify three preservice/inservice teacher-training courses for delivery through this system.
The first will be an Educational Telecommunications course which provides a broad overview of telecommunication systems in general, develops hands-on skills in Email and the accessing the Internet, introduces radio, broadcast TV, satellite telecommunications, and distance education systems and methods. The second course to be developed (with the University of Massachusetts) will be an Internet Resources course managed via the Internet. WWW links and ShareView-type broadcasts will also be integral components of the course. This class will anticipate synergistic interactions that will take place between the course participants in Texas and those in Massachusetts. The third course to be developed for delivery via the CAADE system is a methods course for K-12 computer-using or computer science educators. A target level of elementary (exploratory tools), middle school (computer applications), or secondary school (computer programming) will be selected during the early months of the project. It is anticipated that this course will incorporate the FORUM collaborative learning software as and integral component, and hence will be developed in conjunction with Texas A&M.
3. Staten Island in New York City
This project consists of two phases: (1) To link the Discovery Center of the College of Staten Island (CSI) with Brooklyn and Staten Island school district by the CAADE system to improve science education. The Discovery Center utilizes a discovery-based teaching approach predicated upon a multi-leveled cooperative relationship between the college research faculty and area high school teachers and students. The laboratory exercises are in General Science, Biology, Chemistry and Physics, conducting Advanced Placement Biology and Chemistry Laboratories. (2) To link the Discover Center to members of the CAADE to achieve a synergy that focuses on how the funneling of educational resources can transform and bridge the conditions that stem from isolation and the lack of resource access, resulting in a new and powerful educational paradigm that truly cuts across geographical boundaries and socio-economic distinctions.
Following projects are also significant successfully identifying, developing, and implementing multimedia and digitalized curricular materials that increase information access for students with disabilities;
4. Around the U.S.
The proposed technologies will be applied in the second
phase for higher, adult and life-long education, professional training in
the U.S. national scale, e.g., the courses available from A*DEC, Kansas
State University, and many other CAADE member institutions.
The CAADE was formed in January 1995 at the University
of Tennessee in Knoxville (UTK) in partnership with the GLObal Systems
Analysis and Simulation Association (GLOSAS/USA) of New York, an experienced
player in global electronic distance education. Participating institutions
agreeing to work on this broad-based and significant project include: the
Ohio University/NASA Experimenter group for ACTS; the Southeastern Ohio
Regional Freenet (SEORF), Southeast Ohio Mathematics and Science Network
(SEOnet) and the Appalachian Distance Learning Project (ADLP) at Ohio University;
the computer communications, wireless and packet radio group of University
of North Texas; the Science Discovery Center at the College of Staten Island;
non-profit service organizations such as GLOSAS, the A*DEC satellite consortium;
the Academy for Educational Development (AED); a few commercial entities
such as the software/consulting companies SYNECTICS and FORUM. Other membership
includes prestigious American universities with commitment to providing
affordable distance education, such as Tennessee, Texas A&M, Kansas
State, Nebraska, Massachusetts, Alaska and Guam; and many more.
Over the past two decades GLOSAS/USA played a major role in making possible the extension of the U.S. data communication networks to other countries, particularly to Japan, and deregulating Japanese telecommunication policies for the use of email which was emulated by many other countries. GLOSAS has also conducted a number of "Global Lecture Hall (GLH)" (TM) videoconferences employing inexpensive media accessible to the less developed countries. These demonstrations have helped build a network of leaders in the global electronic distance education movement.
The Global (electronic) University (GU) (TM) consortium, a divisional activity of GLOSAS, seeks to improve the quality and availability of international educational exchange through the use of telecommunication and information technologies. GU's main activity is to achieve global electronic education across national boundaries by developing a cooperative infrastructure and by giving underserved people of the Third World access to the educational excellence available from all the world's finest sources, so as to enlarge and expand the present exchange of educational courses into a worldwide system. Students could access the resources with a far greater variety of educational philosophies, courses and instructional styles than they could ever encounter on a single campus. This is "the 21st century version of the Fulbright exchange program."
Global (electronic) University is an evolutionary concept
with no global precedent. GU attempts to provide cooperative, experiential
learning opportunities on the widest possible scale for the purpose of fostering
peace and sustainable development. The time is ripe for global electronic
distance education.
Takeshi Utsumi, Ph.D.
Laureate of Lord Perry Award for Excellence in Distance Education
Founder, Consortium for the Affordable and Accessible Distance Education
President, Global University in the U.S.A. (GU/USA)
Chairman, GLOSAS/USA
43-23 Colden Street, #9-L
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Tel: 718-939-0928
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