Protocol of CampusNet Amazonia Consortium

Protocol of intention agreed among the Federal Universities of Northern Brazil listed below for aiming the establishment of the VIRTUAL CAMPUS of those universities which is named Amazonian CampusNet.



On May 7th of 2001, in the Room of the Board of Trustees of the Federal University of Rondônia, located at BR 364, Km 9.5 in the city of Porto Velho, Rondônia, the six federal universities listed below created the VIRTUAL CAMPUS of the Northern Brazilian universities - Amazonian CampusNet.


1 - Federal University of Rondônia Foundation - UNIR, in this act represented by its Rector, Prof. Ene Glória of Silveira;

2 - Federal University of Amazonas Foundation - FUA, in this act represented by its Rector, Prof. Walmir of Albuquerque Barbosa;

3 - Federal University of Acre Foundation - UFAC, in this act represented by its Rector, Prof. Jonas Pereira of Souza Filho;

4 - Federal University of Amapá - UNIFAP, in this act represented by its Rector, Prof. Paulo Fernando Batista Guerra;

5 - Federal University of Roraima - UFRR, in this act represented by its Rector, Prof. Fernando Antônio Menezes of Silva;

6 - Federal University of Pará - UFPA, in this act represented by its Rector, Prof. Cristovam Wanderley Picanço Diniz;


First Clause - On the Constitution


The CampusNet Amazônia is constituted by a net of public universities in the form of virtual campuses in each state of the North Area, denominated " CampusNet - Acre, Amapá, Amazonas, Pará, Rondônia and Roraima. "


The mark "CampusNet Amazônia" designates the Consortium object of this instrument, while the mark " CampusNet " designates the network within each Member State.


Second Clause - On the Purposes


To make public school more accessibly as well as to contribute for the improvement of the teaching/learning process in the areas of Education, Science, Technology and Art in the associated Institutions of Superior Teaching -- IES. The access will be possible through available interactive means and through the use and optimization of human resources, technological, materials and of physical infrastructure.


Third Clause - On the Activities


CampusNet Amazônia will develop its activities by work plans of technical cooperation among the IES, as well as through the articulation of conjoint actions, seeking to create favorable conditions to assisted education by interactive means in the teaching/learning process.


The activities of each participating institution should be articulated with CampusNet Amazônia, based on the rules and norms to be established by the Management Committee.


Fourth Clause - On the Technical Cooperation


The technical cooperation among the participating institutions will be stimulated through the exchange of didactic material, conjoint production of educational applications through interactive means, personnel training, exchange of experiences and other pertinent activities.


CampusNet Amazônia will establish programs of technical exchange with the objective of promoting professional improvement and formation involved in the process. Whenever necessary, any associated IES can request the technical cooperation of another participating IES in order to guarantee the local quality for the accomplishment of the programs, plan of work and/or projects.


Fifth Clause - On the Organization and Administration


CampusNet Amazônia will have Council of Representatives and a Committee of Managers.


The rectors of the participating universities, under the Rector's presidency in whose University the Council is installed, will compose the Council of Representatives.


The Committee of Managers will be composed by the Coordinator of the Distance Education Program of each University, appointed by the respective rector for a period of two years, renewable for equal time.


The Committee of Managers will be coordinated by one of its members chosen among the pairs and countersigned by the Council of Representatives, for a period of two years renewable for equal time.


Each University will indicate a substitute in case impediments of the titular.


All the activities of CampusNet Amazônia should be accompanied by an annual report and quarterly summaries of work or in the convenient periodicity that comes to be established.


Sixth Clause - On the Advertisements


Any promotional action of CampusNet Amazônia will be allowed only by authorization of the Committee of Managers countersigned by the Council of Representatives.


It is prohibited to the participants to use names, symbols or images from the CampusNet Amazônia domain for commercial purposes or for personal promotion of authorities legally constituted, government and private sector employees.


The products available at CampusNet Amazônia should only be available through approval of Committee of Managers.


CampusNet Amazônia will create copyright mechanisms, in the form of current legislation.


Seventh Clause - On the Financial Resources


CampusNet Amazônia will be maintained with public funds, grants and by the sale of products. The Council of Representatives and the Committee of Managers will define and approve the terms of contracts and/or agreements.


Eighth Clause - On the Publication


The present instrument will have its extract published in the Official Brazilian Daily Paper, according to Federal Legislation, and in the Official State Daily Paper of the respective participant. The costs of publication will occur at the expenses of each Institution.


Ninth Clause - On the Omitted Cases


The solution of omitted cases will follow the decision of the Council of Representatives, after consultation of each institution Attorney's office and the Committee of Managers. All decision must follow the applicable legislation.


Tenth Clause - On the Rescission and Alterations


The present instrument can be altered at any time, except with relation to its purposes. It can also be cancelled under a common agreement or unilaterally by notification in writing, in advance of at least sixty (60) days.


Eleventh Clause - On the Penalties


It will be susceptible to legal penalties, besides the exclusion as participant of this Protocol, the institution that improperly apply resources destined to CampusNet Amazônia or negotiate products that privilege unilaterally a member of the consortium associated in activities that are not of interest of this Consortium.


Twelfth Clause - On the Forum


It is elected the Forum of each State where the participating University is installed to elucidate and solve questions that could not be resolved through administrative ways.


And for being in accordance with the terms of this document, it was signed by the rectors of the six Northern Federal Brazilian Universities and witness.


Porto Velho, RO, May 07, 2001

Signed by:


Prof. Ene Glória of Silveira

Federal University of Rondônia Foundation


Rector Walmir of Albuquerque Barbosa

University of Amazonas Foundation


Prof. Jonas Pereira of Souza Filho

Federal University of Acre Foundation


Prof. Paulo Fernando Batista Guerra

Federal University of Amapá


Prof. Fernando Antônio Menezes of Silva

Federal University of Roraima


Prof. Cristovam W. Picanço Diniz

Federal University of Pará



