Tentative Schedule of Mini-workshop
St. Luke College of Medicine
The University of Philippines/Open University
Manila, Philippines
October 29-31, 2000
Contact Persons:
General Chairman
Rafael Bozeman Rodriguez, Ph.D.
Former President of Trinity College of Quezon City
Trustee member of the St. Luke College of Medicine
#7 Visayas Avenue, VASRA
1128 Quezon City, Philippines
Cedllphone: 0918-880-2799
Pager: 1481-792171
Powerpage: 633-3333
General Co-Chairman
Kimberly K. Obbink
Burns Telecommunications Center
128 EPS Building,
Montana State University
Bozeman, MT 59717-3860
Tel: +1-406-994 6550
Fax: +1-406-994 7856
Program Chairman
Takeshi Utsumi, Ph.D., P.E.
Chairman, GLOSAS/USA
President Emeritus and V.P. for Technology and Coordination of Global University System (GUS) 43-23 Colden Street
Flushing, NY 11355-3998
Tel: 718-939-0928
Fax: 718-939-0656 (day time only--prefer email)
The General Chairman is responsible for fund raising, organization, local arrangements, administration and diplomatic coordination. The Program Chairman is responsible for arrangement of workshops and demonstrations, conference program, and technical coordination.
Tentative Schedule
October 29 (Sunday), 2000
08:30 Registration
09:00 Greetings by delegates
High echelons of St. Luke College of Medicine, UP/OU, Asia Development Bank, World Health Organization/Manila office, South East Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO), etc.
10:15 General Chairmans greeting
Rafael Bozeman Rodriguez, Ph.D.
Former President of Trinity College of Quezon City
Trustee member of the St. Luke College of Medicine
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Global University System
Dr. Tapio Varis
Acting President
Global University System
11:30 Technological Future of Global University System
Dr. Takeshi Utsumi
Vice President for Technology and Coordination
Global University System
12:00 Lunch
13:30 Demonstration of Low Cost Videoconferencing for Global Distance Learning
Professor Roger Boston
Houston Community College
15:30 Coffee break
16:00 Continuation of the above
17:00 Dinner
19:00 Demonstration of Telemedicine
Professor Rashid Bashshur, Ph.D.
President-elect of the American Telemedicine Association
Director of Telemedicine
The University of Michigan Health System
His staff
20:00 Videoconferencing
Dr. Fadia Alvic
Program Director, Renaissance Center
and the Tennessee Virtual University (TVU)
UT Office of Statewide Continuing Education
The Renaissance Center
21:00 End of first day
October 30 (Monday), 2000
08:30 Computer Mediated Multimedia Conferencing System
Bill Klemm
Texas A&M University
09:00 Asia-Pacific Regional Activity of Global University System
Dr. Kimberly K. Obbink
Montana State University
09:30 Three Decades of Distance Learning Experience from Elementary to Post Secondary
Mr. John H. Southworth
University of Hawaii
10:00 Distance Learning Courses available from Maui Community College
Mr. G. Robert Converse
Maui Community College
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Charting the Future Course of Distance Education in the Western Pacific
Mr. Bruce Best
University of Guam
11:30 Distance Learning in Japan
Mr. Steve McCarty
Professor, Kagawa Junior College
12:00 Conference Lunch
Luncheon Speeches:
Distance Learning in Asia/Pacific Region
Motilal Sharma
Asian Development Bank
13:30 International Health and Biomedical Informatics Research and Training Program
Dr. Sherrilynne Fuller
University of Washington
14:00 Distance Training on Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
Mr. Nels D. Sanddal
Critical Illness and Trauma Foundation
14:30 International Distance Learning on Public Healthcare
Ms. Renee A Ebert
UCLA School of Public Health
15:00 Virtual Class on Nursing/Nutrition (VCON)
Dr. Ninfa Saturnino Springer
Mr. Robert E. Springer
University of Michigan
15:30 Coffee break
16:00 Brainstorming Sessions:
To learn from Filipinos about,
Dr. Teresita I. Barcelo
University of Philippines/Open University
Dr. Arturo M. Pesigan
University of the Philippines/Manila
To present what can be (or will be) available from North America other than the previous presentations,
Dr. Takeshi Utsumi,
Vice President for Technology and Coordination,
Global University System
Ms. Kimberly K. Obbink
Montana State University
17:00 Adjourn
19:00 Conference dinner
Dinner speeches:
Telehealth and TeleMedicine in Asia/Pacific Region
World Health Organization/Manila
20:30 End of second day
October 31 (Tuesday), 2000
08:30 Health Informatics in the Philippines
St. Luke College of Medicine
09:00 Future of Distance Learning in the Philippines
Dr. Felix (Lex) Librero
University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU)
09:30 Brainstorming on Technical Capacity and Infrastructure (Present and Future)
Dr. Takeshi Utsumi
Global University System
Professor Roger Boston
Houston Community College
Dr. Norman H. Okamura
University of Hawaii
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Brainstorming on Implementation of International Distance Learning (Administrative Infrastructure)
Dr. David Johnson
University of Tennessee/Knoxville (UTK)
Ms. Kimberly K. Obbink
Montana State University
12:00 Lunch
13:30 Distance Learning and Exchange on Sustainable Environment
Dr. David Johnson
University of Tennessee/Knoxville (UTK)
14:00 Brainstorming on Summary of Achievements
Dr. David Johnson
Distinguished Professor
University of Tennessee/Knoxville (UTK)
15:30 Coffee break
16:00 Brainstorming on Next Steps
To discuss and plan the theme and program of the larger workshop/conference (as to the follow-up to our Tampere event -- for 3 to 4 or 5 days, and possibly in Japan) where people from ASEAN countries will jointly work;
(a) to formalize the draft of a joint pilot project proposal,
(b) to make the feasibility study, action plan, etc. to realize the project of establishing domestic and international distance learning and telemedicine,
1. firstly, via the currently available narrow-band Internet,
2. in the near future, via the proposed broad-band Internet,
(c) to configure administrative and business schemes,
(d) to construct joint funding proposals.
To plan joint fund raising for this larger workshop/conference.
Dr. Takeshi Utsumi,
Vice President for Technology and Coordination,
Global University System
Dr. David Johnson
Distinguished Professor
University of Tennessee/Knoxville (UTK)
17:00 Adjourn
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