Tentative Schedule of Mini-workshop
St. Luke College of Medicine
The University of Philippines/Open University
Manila, Philippines
October 29-31, 2000

Contact Persons:

General Chairman

General Co-Chairman

Program Chairman

The General Chairman is responsible for fund raising, organization, local arrangements, administration and diplomatic coordination. The Program Chairman is responsible for arrangement of workshops and demonstrations, conference program, and technical coordination.

Tentative Schedule

October 29 (Sunday), 2000

08:30 Registration

09:00 Greetings by delegates

10:15 General Chairman’s greeting

10:30 Coffee break

11:00 Global University System

11:30 Technological Future of Global University System

12:00 Lunch

13:30 Demonstration of Low Cost Videoconferencing for Global Distance Learning

15:30 Coffee break

16:00 Continuation of the above

17:00 Dinner

19:00 Demonstration of Telemedicine

20:00 Videoconferencing

21:00 End of first day


October 30 (Monday), 2000

08:30 Computer Mediated Multimedia Conferencing System

09:00 Asia-Pacific Regional Activity of Global University System

09:30 Three Decades of Distance Learning Experience from Elementary to Post Secondary

10:00 Distance Learning Courses available from Maui Community College

10:30 Coffee break

11:00 Charting the Future Course of Distance Education in the Western Pacific

11:30 Distance Learning in Japan

12:00 Conference Lunch

13:30 International Health and Biomedical Informatics Research and Training Program

14:00 Distance Training on Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

14:30 International Distance Learning on Public Healthcare

15:00 Virtual Class on Nursing/Nutrition (VCON)

15:30 Coffee break

16:00 Brainstorming Sessions:

    1. current status of distance learning and telemedicine (including the delivery infrastructure),
    2. their need in the future, particularly when a broadband Internet will be available.
    1. via narrow-band Internet and ISDN, etc., i.e., through currently available telecom infrastructure,
    2. via broad-band Internet when it is available.

17:00 Adjourn

19:00 Conference dinner

20:30 End of second day


October 31 (Tuesday), 2000

08:30 Health Informatics in the Philippines

09:00 Future of Distance Learning in the Philippines

09:30 Brainstorming on Technical Capacity and Infrastructure (Present and Future)

10:30 Coffee break

11:00 Brainstorming on Implementation of International Distance Learning (Administrative Infrastructure)

12:00 Lunch

13:30 Distance Learning and Exchange on Sustainable Environment

14:00 Brainstorming on Summary of Achievements

15:30 Coffee break

16:00 Brainstorming on Next Steps

17:00 Adjourn

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