From: "John Afele" <>
Organization: Plant Agriculture, Univ. of Guelph
To: Tak Utsumi <>,,
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 00:58:00 EST
Subject: Re: Proposed Outline of Global University System Structure
Dear Prof. Utsumi-san:
I see that concrete decisions have not yet been made regarding the African component of the Global University System, concerning the message of Bob Converse. Thus I am wondering if you would include Guelph as a candidate for hosting the African component. In my file to you (aki.rtf) I had indicated creation of a surrogate host or hub on African activities. Therefore, if in your plans to USAID's Leland Initiative, you would discuss this request, I would be grateful. I recall your earlier statement that we need Canadian Involvement. I might already have indicated to you that the Dean of my college (Prof. Rob McLaughlin), and other Chairs and faculty are supportive of the initiatives I have described with my colleague (Kofi). My Chair has told me to describe my new position as Director, International Program for Africa, Department of Plant Agriculture. It is important to note that Plant ASgriculture is my academic department but the initiatives integrate many disciplines run at Guelph. In Ghana, we have institutions such as University of Ghana's Legon Centre for International Affairs and the Science and Technology Policy Research Institute of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. My immediate goals would be obtaining MOUs between my program and institutions we have informal relations with, especially in Africa, with Ghana as focus.
Thanking you as always.
John Afele
Afele, Ph.D
Program Director
The Indigenous African Perspective
on Sustainable Livelihoods
c/o Department of Plant Agriculture,
Crop Science Division
University of Guelph, Guelph,
Ontario, Canada N1G 2W1
Chair, Grants & Research Committe,
Ghana Computer Literacy and Distance Education project
< >
Member of Africa TeleHealth Consorutium
< >
Member, IT for Development Working Group
Council for Tropical and Sub-Tropical Agriculture, Germany
< >
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