Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 10:06:06 +1200
Subject: USPNet Roundtable meeting - further information
From: Ruby Vaa <>

Tak, Jannette, John, Som,
Bula from Fiji,

I trust that Selai has been keeping you informed about travel arrangements etc and that there is no problem at this stage.

I write now to inform you further about the meeting. On Friday 19/11 our USPNet education group discussed and planned for the rondtable meeting and the relevant notes are in the attachment to this email.

I should be grateful if you would kindly view it particularly for what our expectations are and request for your presentations. i.e.,
1. Tak - for you, we thought it wouod be useful if you would please talk about using videos (broadcat and conferencing) in a system such as ours - low bandwidth, compressed video ( am not very technical so sorry if that is a bit muddled!)
2. Jannette - we thought to ask you to present on teaching by Internet - planning, development of programmes, resources needed etc. Also, if you could cover the use of audiographics? I know there is special equipmentbut maybe you have a video or something that you can demonstrate?
3. John - your science teaching at a distance is of special interest to us so we would like something abot advances in teaching science at a distance using new technology. We also thought that since CQU is well known for their work on CDRoms if you could bring over a couple (maybe in science?) and demonstrate please?
4. Som - your involvement in multimedia at Uni Melb is the special interest to us. So we ask if you can present on this topic - and experience of your university.
As you will see from the notes, we are looking to you for guidance in the sense that we would like to hear about your planning, methodologies, resources, training needs, training solutions, so that we can devise strategies to best use our new system.

You will also see the draft programme and the time frame but please let me emphasise that this is a draft which has yet to receive feedback from our Edn group.

Finally, I understand that you Tak have requested some equipment to use in your presentation. Jannette, Som, John, please let us know what equipment you wish to use during your presentations - we have powerpoint facilities in addition to OHPs, audio and video.

I hope things continue to go smoothly and please let us know if there is anything else you may require to be done before your arrival.

kind regards,


USPNet Education Group
Notes and action points of USPNet Roundtable planning mtg19/11/99


• Agenda

  1. The context: USP Strategic Plan, Flexible learning support plan
  2. Flexible teaching and learning at USP: university’s view of what it wants to do
  3. Presentations and demonstrations from resource persons
    1. Internet teaching, audiographics
    2. advances in science teaching at a distance
    3. CDRoms as a teaching/learning resource and mechanism
    4. Use of low bandwidth satellite systems for video conferencing and video broadcasting
    5. multimedia study packages
  4. Outcomes of meeting to include determining other resources and technology that may be necessary to put in place e.g. software, as well as determine training necessary for technical staff (Media, ITS, Centre operators), lecturers, and DEU staff.

• Presentations/demonstrations by resource persons

Four had agreed to come: Jannette Kirkwood (Head, Unit Team Operations/Instructional Designer) USQ) with expertise production of print and online learning materials, supervision of development, and coordination of design sections; Prof John Dekkers (Prof Open and Flexible Learning Systems, CQU) and expertise includes management of the distance programme, which has included science courses for well over 10 years; Prof Takeshi Utsumi, (Chair,GLOSAS/USA and President, Global (electronic) university with expertise that includes using low bandwidth satellite networks; and Associate Prof Som Naidu (Assoc. Prof, Multimedia Education Unit, Melbourne University) who is a past USP Extension course developer with experiences in Canada and USQ before moving to Uni Melbourne.

Note: Others invited but unable to participate included: David Walker, COL; Prof Tony Bates, Director, DE Technology, UBC Canada; and Ms Anne Gooley, CEO, Open Learning Networks of Queensland.

Presentations/Demonstrations would be:

Kirkwood: The challenges of Internet teaching (development, production, delivery), audiographics
Dekkers: Advances in teaching science at a distance and teaching via CDRom
Utsumi: Video conferencing/broadcasts in DE using low bandwidth systems
Naidu: Multimedia teaching experiences at University of Melbourne

All to be requested to present some samples from their institutions and to focus on problems and solutions with respect to:
Planning, methodology; organisational aspects (resources and relationship with teaching departments); operational aspects; technology used e.g. software; training necessary, of technical, professional and teaching staff.

Action: Ruby to inform resource persons, circulate background materials (on USP Net and Strategic Plan) and clarify about presentation requirements.

• Expected outcomes of roundtable meeting

Plan of action that will transform USP via USPNet and

  1. identifies which programmes/courses to be developed to address flexible learning support plan e.g. direct broadcasts e.g. start with brioadcast of lectures (law) from Emalus campus, Extension courses …
  2. outlines timelines for development of courses
  3. identifies the multimedia mix to be used and for which courses.
  4. outlines how best to use the system (low bandwidth) for video teaching
  5. determines other resources and technology that may be necessary to put in place e.g. software
  6. determines training necessary and how to get this done: best to invite outside expertise where appropriate, on visiting assignments, to train staff on site.


Day 1: Monday 29 November

8.30 Welcome, Introductions DVC

Opening VC

Demonstration, USPNet video capability

9.30 refreshments

10.00 USP flexible learning plan and discussion

11.00 working session – preliminary talks with resource persons

12.30 lunch

1.30 Presentation 1 and discussion

3.00 afternoon tea

3.30 Presentation 2 and discussion

5.00 working session


Day 2: Tuesday 30 November

9.00 Presentation 3 anddiscussion

10.30 morning tea

11.00 Presentation 4 and discussion

12.30 lunch

1.30 working session

3.30 afternoon tea

4.00 Working session


Day 3: Wednesday 1/12/99

9.00 working session

10.30 morning tea

11.00 working session

12.00 draft plan of action

12.30 lunch

1.30 amendments to plan of action

3.30 Afternoon tea

4.00 finalise/adopt plan of action

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