2. Publisher's Note

Ms. Tina Evans Greenwood is a Reference Librarian at Western Illinois University and an expert Web page designer. Dr. Dennis McConnell heads the Eastern European Enterprise Network at the University of Maine. Mr. Martin McGreal is a Reference Librarian with Canada's Library of Parliament. Mr. Noel Moore has published/edited The Delta Report, following a distinguished career as a TV producer, among his other activities. Dr. Parker Rossman is a well-known author of a dozen books, including the Emerging Worldwide Electronic University. What do these individuals have in common? They have all responded to my appeal for editorial help and have agreed to collaborate on future issues of GN. Parker has contributed this issue's editorial, Tina and Dennis have helped with formatting as well as content, while Noel and Martin offered insightful comments on the drafts.

I wish to thank them for their support and look forward to our producing a better newsletter as a team.

Return to GLOSAS News Contents for this issue.

URL: http://library.fortlewis.edu/~instruct/glosas/pnote51.htm

June, 1995

GLOSAS NEWS was orinally posted to the WWW at URL: http://library.fortlewis.edu/~instruct/glosas/cont.htm by Tina Evans Greenwood, Library Instruction Coordinator, Fort Lewis College, Durango, Colorado 81301, e-mail: greenwood_t@fortlewis.edu, and last updated May 7, 1999. By her permission the whole Website has been archived here at the University of Tennessee server directory of GLOSAS Chair Dr. Takeshi Utsumi from July 10, 2000 by Steve McCarty in Japan.