Travel Grant Application

Mini-Workshop for Pilot Project
Global University System in the Philippines
Tele-learning and Tele-Health/Tele-Medicine
St. Luke College of Medicine
The University of Philippines/Open University
Manila, Philippines
October 29 - 31, 2000


To be submitted to
Alexander P. De Angelis
Director, East Asia and Pacific Program
Division of International Programs
U.S. National Science Foundation, Room 921
4201 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, Virginia 22230
TEL: 703 306-1704
FAX: 703 306-0477


Kimberly K. Obbink, Principal Investigator
Director, Burns Telecommunications Center and Extended Studies
128 EPS Building,
Montana State University
Bozeman, MT 59717-3860
Tel: +1-406-994 6550
Fax: +1-406-994 7856

Takeshi Utsumi, Ph.D., P.E., Co-Principal Investigator
Chairman, GLOSAS/USA
President Emeritus and V.P. for Technology and Coordination of Global University System (GUS) 43-23 Colden Street
Flushing, NY 11355-3998
Tel: 718-939-0928
Fax: 718-939-0656 (day time only--prefer email)

Table of Contents

Project Summary
The goals and objectives
The purposes
The telepresence demonstration
The expected outcome
American Participation Request to NSF
Planning Outline
Dissemination Plan
Reference web sites
Bibliographical Sketches
Budget and Justification
Current and Pending Support – NSF form
Names of American Participants for Funding Request
Foreign Counterpart Endorsement

ANNEX I: Tentative Schedule of Mini-workshop
ANNEX II: Names of Participants for Funding Request
ANNEX III: Foreign Counterpart Endorsement
ANNEX IV: Pilot Project Proposal

ANNEX V: Paper on "Global University System" by Takeshi Utsumi

Project Summary

The International Workshop and Conference on "Emerging Global Electronic Distance Learning (EGEDL'99)" was held on August 9th - 13th, 1999 at the University of Tampere, Finland <www.uta.fi/EGEDL/>. It was supported by the United States National Science Foundation, the United States Information Agency (USIA), the Information and Development Program (infoDev) administered by the World Bank, the British Council, the Ministry of Education Finland, Soros Foundation/Open Society Institute, and others.

The event brought together about 60 decision-makers and leaders in distance learning and telemedicine from 14 underserved countries who discussed practical solutions for the implementation of affordable global electronic distance learning across national boundaries.

The Global University System (GUS) was formed with group activities in the major regions of the Asia/Pacific, North, Central and South Americas, Europe and Africa (see PART II of the Final Report of the event at the URL mentioned above). In order to support this GUS, the establishments of global private virtual network with broadband Internet and of the Global Service Trust Fund (GSTF) <http://www.friends partners.org/GLOSAS/Tampere_Conference/GSTF/Special_Version_2-15-00.html> were also discussed at this event.

The Global University System in the Philippines is a subset of the GUS. This system in the Philippines will support GUS development and activities by establishing partnerships and distance learning demonstration projects in cooperation with the US counterparts. The consortium will explore technical capabilities and options, as well as match educational needs and resources, for the delivery of affordable, needs based distance learning in the Philippines and between the Philippines and the US, thus realizing global collaboration and partnership to ensure students' learnability.

This proposed mini-workshop at the St. Luke College of Medicine and at the University of the Philippines/Open University (UPOU) (see ANNEX I for its tentative schedule) is to collectively brainstorm on the formalization and solidification of the pilot project on international distance learning between the Philippines and the U.S. (see ANNEX IV).
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The goals and objectives of the mini-workshop are to:

  1. Promote accessible, affordable global distance education;
  2. Increase understanding of different cultural conditions, values and needs;
  3. Emphasize values of sustainability and equality;
  4. Link enthusiasts with decision-makers and funding resources;
  5. Identify pilot projects that will lead to full scale distance education; and
  6. Discuss standardization of courses, credits, accreditation.

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The purposes of the mini-workshop are to:

  1. Introduce the aforementioned pilot project to Filipino,
  2. Learn from Filipino about,
    1. current status of distance learning and telemedicine (including the delivery infrastructure),
    2. their need in the future, particularly when a broadband Internet will be available,
  3. Present what can be (or will be) available from North America,
    1. via narrow-band Internet and ISDN, etc., i.e., through currently available telecom infrastructure,
    2. via broad-band Internet when it is available,
  4. Discuss and plan the theme and program of the larger workshop/conference (as to the follow-up to our Tampere event -- for 3 to 4 or 5 days) to be held in Japan where ASEAN country people will jointly work;
    1. to formalize the draft of the pilot project proposal,
    2. to make the feasibility study, action plan, etc. to realize the project of establishing domestic and international distance learning and telemedicine,
      1. firstly, via the currently available narrow-band Internet,
      2. in the near future, via the proposed global broadband wireless and satellite Internet,
    1. to configure administrative and business schemes,
    2. to construct joint funding proposals,
  5. Plan joint fund raising for the larger workshop/conference in Japan.

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The telepresence demonstration with echocardiography will be performed at the conference by the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, MI. The echocardiograph signal of a patient on a tread mill in Manila will be sent to Michigan for diagnosis, as we have done during our Tampere event in Finland in August, 1999. However, this time, the 3D image of his heart will also be constructed as an upgraded feature. Both will be disseminated to the participants around the world via ISDN and Internet. This is a follow-up to our similar demonstration during our Manaus, Amazon, Brazil event on May 31 to June 2, 2000 -- see <http://www.argo.com.br/~alex_mau/workshop/English/wksp_E.htm> and <http://www.teched.org/hist00/brazil/>.

This demonstration is also to open the eyes of decision-makers for the value of broadband Internet so that they will install it in remote/rural areas of developing countries at their earliest possible time.

The global broadband Internet infrastructure also provides exciting opportunities for distance/distributed learning. Workshop presentations will explore applications, as well as technical strengths and weaknesses for sharing education, information, and resources throughout the world. Discussions are well underway among conference participants regarding the development and dissemination of education for engineers, healthcare providers, emergency medical professionals, and primary and secondary teachers.
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The expected outcome of the mini-workshop are:

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American Participation Request to NSF:

This proposal is a request for funding for American participation in the proposed workshop. American parties have substantial experience to contribute to this project regarding the exchange of educational, vocational, and medical information and knowledge with counterparts in the Philippines and around the Pacific rim countries (and eventually around the world).

It is essential for American colleagues to participate in this project from the initial stages. American participants will be instrumental in providing experience and demonstrations using broadband Internet access for education and access to information, and it will be critical to include American colleagues in the initial technical and content project design. Hawaii, in particular, will provide a critical technical link for reaching the Asia/Pacific region with a proposed uplinking earth station at the Maui Research and Technology Center. This Center already has 45 Mbps Internet line through the Maui High Performance Computing Center (MHPCC), and will soon be upgraded to 192 Mbps.

The Grant funds requested by Montana State University in this proposal shall be used exclusively to bring together American educators to discuss practical solutions for the implementation of affordable global electronic distance learning and telemedicine across national boundaries and to establish partnerships for pilot projects.

This mini-workshop will explore the possibility of establishing electronic distance education links between Montana State University (MSU) and the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) in Manila through the Burns Telecommunications Center at MSU. When the proposed broadband Internet is established with funds from the Japanese Government, educational and medical courses as well as other educational opportunities will be up-linked from an earth station located on Maui to the broad band Internet network which will cover most of the Pacific Islands and Asian countries. All of these collaborations will be formulated into a formal proposal at the workshop.
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Planning Outline:

5/30/99 - 6/02/99 Visited the University of Philippines/Open University, Office of Institute of International Education, Asia Development Bank, World Health Organization in Manila.
8/9/99 - 8/13/99 Conducted EGEDL'99 in Tampere, Finland.
11/28/99 - 12/3/99 Invitational visit to the University of the South Pacific (USP) in Fiji for the consultation during the Round Table meeting to prepare the USPNet -- a digital satellite network with a dozen consortium small countries around the South Pacific. It was funded by the government of Japan, Australia and New Zealand.
1/12/00 - 1/14/00 Invitational attendance at the International Consultation Conference on TeleHealth and TeleMedicine at the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland.
1/17/00 - 1/18/00 Visited the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the Office of Outer Space Affairs in Vienna, Austria.
2/5/00 Presented the Global Service Trust Fund (GSTF) project at the Founders Conference of the [Arthur C.] Clark Institute of Telecommunications and Information (CITI) at the INTELSAT headquarters in Washington, D.C.
5/31/00 - 6/2/00 Conducted Mini-workshop in Manaus, Amazona, Brazil with UNAMAZ consortium of 77 universities in 8 countries in Amazon area.
10/29/00 - 10/31/00 Mini-workshop in Manila, Philippines.
11/26/00 - 11/29/00 Workshop with deligates of UNAMAZ, PanAmerican Federation of Associations of Medical Schools (a consortium of 386 medical schools around Latin American and the Caribbean countries), Brazilian Association of Distance Learning, distance learning universities in Latin America and the Caribbean, Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), United Nations University of Peace in Costa Rica, Global University System, Arthur C. Clark Institute for Telecommunication and Information (CITI) on the initiation of feasibility study to deploy broadband Internet for education and healthcare in Caracas, Venezuela.
12/31/00 Complete the pilot project proposal.
3/1/01 Submit the proposal to the InfoDev of the World Bank and other funding sources.
March, 2001 Workshop in Shefield, UK with Open University, University of Tampere and colleagues from Ukraine, Egypt, Pakistan, etc. for our European Region activities.
Fall/01 Hold an event (similar to our Tampere event) for the Asia/Pacific operation in Japan.

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Dissemination Plan:

It is important to note that this is not a onetime experience. Post-conference work in project technical design, required advanced multimedia curriculum, collaborative opportunities for course delivery and joint proposal writing will ensue and will be required of conference participants. Proposals will be prepared and submitted to the World Bank and other appropriate funding agencies.

A follow-up report will be submitted to NSF no later than December 31, 2000 via NSF fast-lane. Follow-up report on post conference activities will be due to NSF no later than March 31, 2001. Each participant will be required to write an individual report and the PI and Co-PI will include those reports in both the December 31, 2000 formal report and the March 31, 2001 report.
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Reference web sites

Excerpt from

2. Tampere conference:
3. Global University System:
a. Synopsis:
b. Full paper:
c. Memorandum of Understanding for Partnership:
"Memorandum of Understanding for Partnership" at
http://www.friends- partners.org/GLOSAS/Global_University/Global%20University%20System/Memo_of_Understanding/Cover_Sheet.html
4. Global University System: Asia-Pacific Framework:
5. Global broadband Internet networks:
6. Global Service Trust Fund (GSTF):
7. Manaus workshop:
8. Possible parties of pilot projects for Asia-Pacific Region:

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Bibliographical Sketches

Kimberly Obbink, Co-PI

Kim Obbink is Director of the Burns Telecommunications Center at Montana State University. The Center, named for Montana U.S. Senator Conrad Burns, is an innovative, self-supporting outreach and distance learning facility that works with campus, state, regional and national constituents to make education opportunities and resources available to all citizens. Kim currently directs all activities of the Center and oversees the telecommunications portion of the Second Century fund raising campaign that was instrumental in establishing the Center.

Kim has recently completed her Ph.D. in adult and higher education at MSU and has a masters degree in education from Iowa State University. Kim has worked in outreach and distance learning for the past 15 years. She has received numerous competitive grants for programs related to science education, distance learning and telecommunications, with a particular focus on meeting the needs of citizens living in rural and underserved areas. She is currently Co-PI on the NSF funded National Teachers Enhancement Network which delivers online graduate credit science courses to science teachers internationally and served as Co-PI for six years on an NSF funded Young Scholars program using telecommunications to support rural Montana youth interested in science careers. Other current funding includes HHS and TIIAP funds for distance learning for rural emergency medical technicians and a NASA grant for the development of K-12 online courses and multimedia materials using NASA data. A previous TIIAP grant provided funds for telecommunications training and outreach to Montana Tribal Colleges.

As Director of the Burns Telecommunications Center, Kim also oversees a number of corporate funded programs including support from AT&T to provide teachers, parents, and rural community leaders with Internet training, and funding from US West to establish a distance learning masters degree in science education. Kim also serves as a consultant to numerous distance learning programs including the Suicide Prevention Center CDC project at the University of Nevada, Genentech Inc. Access Excellence Program for science teachers, and state liaison to the US West Pathways Program.

Takeshi Utsumi, Co-PI

Takeshi Utsumi, Ph.D., P.E., is Chairman of the GLObal Systems Analysis and Simulation Association in the USA (GLOSAS/USA) and President Emeritus and V.P. for Technology and Coordination of Global University System (GUS).

He is the 1994 Laureate of the Lord Perry Award for Excellence in Distance Education. His public services have included political work for deregulation of global telecommunications and the use of e-mail through ARPANET, Telenet and Internet; helping extend American university courses to the Third World; the conduct of innovative distance teaching trials with "Global Lecture Hall(GLH)" multipoint-to-multipoint multimedia interactive videoconferences using hybrid technologies; as well as lectures, consultation, and research in process control, management science, systems science and engineering at the University of Michigan, the University of Pennsylvania, M.I.T. and many universities, governmental agencies and large firms in Japan and other countries.

Among more than 150 related scientific papers and books are presentations to the Summer Computer Simulation Conferences (which he created and named) and the Society for Computer Simulation International. He is a member of various scientific and professional groups, including the Chemists Club (New York, NY); Columbia University Seminar on Computer, Man and Society (New York, NY); Fulbright Association (Washington, D.C.); International Center for Integrative Studies (ICIS) (New York, NY); and Society of Satellite Professionals International (Washington, D.C.).

He received Ph.D. Ch.E. from Polytechnic University in New York, M.S.Ch.E. from Montana State University, after study at the University of Nebraska with Fulbright scholarship. His professional experiences in simulation and optimization of petrochemical and refinery processes were at Mitsubishi Research Institute, Tokyo; Stone & Webster Engineering Corp., Boston; Mobil Oil Corporation and Shell Chemical Company, New York; Asahi Chemical Industry, Inc., Tokyo.
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Budget and Justification

The budget request for this proposal is for travel funds for American participation at the mini workshop in Manila. Since all funds will be used for travel, no indirect costs are included. All funding is requested on a cost reimbursable basis using airline, ground travel and hotel receipts. A minimal meal stipend of $?? (based on GSA travel rates to the Philippines) is requested. Travel expenses are itemized on the following page. Airfare is estimated based on travel agency quotes with a 3-week advance purchase and a Saturday night stay.

Per person request:

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Current and Pending Support – NSF form

Names of American Participants for Funding Request

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Foreign Counterpart Endorsement

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