APPENDIX I  CampusNet Amazonia
Approved by the Brazilian Government with a pledged US$2,800,000 fund and under Implementation (Total about US$10 million to be distributed among six federal Universities in the Brazilian Amazonia: Amazonas, Pará, Acre, Rondônia, Roraima and Amapá.)
APPENDIX II Nucleus for Technology in Distance Education and Tele-medicine (NATESD)
Document presenting principles and guidelines for the use of Internet and other technological tools.
APPENDIX III Protocol of CampusNet Amazonia Consortium
A consortium formed by Federal Universities of Amazonas, Pará, Acre, Rondônia, Roraima and Amapá.  This document formalizes the creation of a virtual campus in order to promote development in Amazonia through e-learning and e-health.
APPENDIX IV Manaus Community Development Network
A star type network linking initially Federal University of Amazonas, Amazonia Network Foundation (the main regional TV network), two state¹s primary and secondary schools, two municipality¹s primary and secondary schools, Natural Science Museum (created and run by the Japanese community in Manaus), Josefina de Mello primary and secondary school (a Japanese community school in Manaus), and Getulio Vargas Foundation branch in Manaus (ISAE). (Hemocentro do Amazonas - HEMOAM [Amazonas State Blood Center] is to be added in the configuration diagram later.)
APPENDIX V GLOSAS Projects for Closing Digital Divide
Paper published in InterMedia of International Institute of Communications (IIC) (April, 2001)
APPENDIX VI Synopsis of Global University System (GUS)
APPENDIX VII Diagram of Global Broadband Internet (GBI)
APPENDIX VIII Prospective Joint Programs and Projects
APPENDIX IX List of Participants
APPENDIX XI Letter of Commitment and Support
APPENDIX XII Information about the University of Amazonas